
Reducing Waste at Your Dining Establishment

Many people in the U.S. and around the world are concerned about the health of our planet. Companies are beginning to use green strategies to help them run their operations in a more efficient and eco-friendly manner. One way restaurateurs and hotel managers can decrease their impact on the environment is by being conscious of the amount of waste they produce. Here are a few tips and strategies to help you on your way:

Follow the 3 R’s

We’ve heard this idea for generations. The key to decreasing waste is by reducing, reusing and recycling. These concepts are being applied by restaurant owners and hotel managers everywhere. Owners and operators are rethinking waste production by looking at and redesigning the way they use goods and utensils. People are becoming more conscious about what is being thrown away and what should be saved or repurposed for future use. Once you’ve taken into consideration how your business can reduce waste and reuse materials, recycling becomes an effective way to further decrease your impact on the environment.

Understand the source of restaurant and dining hall waste

According to, the average restaurant can produce more than 150,000 pounds of garbage every year. The sources of waste in restaurants can be categorized as pre- and post-consumer. Pre-consumer waste begins in the kitchen. Incorrectly prepared dishes, spoiled food, trimming waste and overproduction are some of the leading causes of pre-consumer waste. Post-consumer waste constitutes anything the food patrons do not eat or take home. Decreasing this type of waste can be challenging because it is primarily up to the consumer at this stage. However, dining establishments can facilitate the cultural change necessary to reduce this kind of waste by rethinking the portion sizes placed on customers’ plates.
3_Bitsua-752X460For cafeterias and dining halls that serve food buffet-style, eliminating unnecessary products can greatly reduce waste. A growing practice in college and business dining halls is getting rid of cafeteria trays. The concept behind this is that when people don’t bring as much food to their table at one time, they are less likely they are to take excess food.

Use quality equipment

Rosseto Serving Solutions can help decrease the amount of waste you produce in your hotel or restaurant. Our dispensers are made of durable materials like high-quality acrylic and stainless steel, so they are less likely to break or malfunction. Our patented cushioned wheel serving mechanism integrated into each dispenser allows users to deliver precisely measured food every time. Clean-up is minimized and food and beverage waste is greatly reduced.

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